Pretty Dessert in PJ!!
正如它的名字,Fiskee Dough不乏缺乏碳水化合物,新鲜出炉的面包和蛋糕,这些面包和蛋糕有可能成为Empire Damansara最幸福的地方之一。琐事:Fiskee由Bukit Jalil受欢迎的Fishee咖啡背后的人管理。
7/10 Stars
Price : Expensive
Services : Good
Environment : Warm
Food Type : Cafe/Dessert/Coffee/Western
Status : NON-Halal
Review by Jillian Koh:
今天原本约好朋友一起去吃下午茶甜点的 谁知临时有事被放飞机了 但也阻止不到我这个爱趴趴走又贪吃的吃货 结果带着我的小吃货(我的女儿)向美食出发 来到这里一次过满足我们的午餐和甜点的欲望

#abalonemoonrice 肉饼很香很好吃 鲍鱼煮到刚好有弹性不会很难嚼 淋上热热的汤吃下去好暖胃 这碗饭我挺喜欢 简单又好吃
#simplymilklegend 三层的甜甜圈塔
底层是巧克力口味 中间的有蓝莓草莓还有granola 上面再来雪糕和鲜奶油

#simplymilklegend 三层的甜甜圈塔

"Donut" + "ice cream" = "Happiness doubles! 』
Fiskee Dough in Empire Damansara is a newly opened dessert cafe. Once you step into the cafe, you can see that every table has a tempting donut ice cream. They are the first dessert shop to offer doughnuts with ice cream. These two types are called Gela-Dough, and the difference is that they don't have soft doughnuts inside. Cover with a scoop of ice cream and some fruit and dried fruit, and the donut slowly absorbs these wonderful tastes. It is truly a double happiness!
Due to its just-opening business, Fiskee Dough's dessert selection is currently limited. Blueberry and Matcha flavors are the most popular. In addition to these, they also have other cakes and desserts. All desserts are handmade fresh every day, guaranteeing the best dessert!
Address: Empire Damansara, F25, 1st Floor, Lot125, Jalan PJU 8/8, Damansara Perdana, 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-7732 6068
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