Looking for Fresh Fried Fish Soup Noodle?
If you didn't know what is Fish Soup noodle , is basically a dish where can be found in hawker stall using fresh head or meat to fried and cook together with the soup noodle , garnish with cut tomatoes, pickled mustard & green onions and lastly adding in milk to enhance the soup broth.
7/10 Stars
Price :Affordable
Services : Average
Environment : Stuffy
Food Type : Chinese/Noodle
Status :NON-Halal
Address: 23, Jalan Manis 7, Taman Segar, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Phone: 019-318 1933
Food Photos
XO Fried Fish Head Small RM10.60
XO Fried Fish Head Big RM14.00
XO Fish Paste Noodles RM 10.60
Wantan Noodles RM 7.70
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