A stall which sell delicious and fresh beef noodles located up the hills of Petaling jaya . I was so grateful that my father in law brought me here . The food was affordable, fantastic and superb . I could have eat like 2 to 3 bowl 1 shot . They have some special dishes on Friday , Saturday and Sunday . Nice environment to enjoy a cup of Kopi Ice but just the parking is bit hard to find .Give it a try if you’re a fan of beef noodle! I give 8/10 stars. Must try!!
Price : Average
Services : Good
Environment : Warm
Food Type : Beef Noodles / Chinese / Noodles
Status : NON-Halal
Address: Jalan 21/17, Sea Park, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: +60 16-663 4588
Food Photos
Dry Beef Noodle Rm 7 , The beef was so tender and delicious and there is tripe, beef slices, and beef balls in the soup . Yumm the beef ball was so bouncy and soft and the best part is the Beef dont have there very hairy beef taste .
Address : Jalan 21/17, Sea Park, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone Number : 016-663 4588
Business Hour : 6.30 Am - 2.30 Pm
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